

Most septic owners know that they need to have their septic systems pumped and cleaned, depending on the size of the tank and overall usage. However, one of the biggest questions we get is what happens during a septic tank cleaning and where the seepage goes afterward. It’s important to know your septic hauler is not only abiding by industry standards when it comes to cleaning, but also that they are adhering to state regulations when it comes to disposing of seepage.


The process of septic system pumping includes completely emptying the tank. It is critically important that owners should know when to have this process done; depending how much is the general usage of the system. Larger industries will generate more solid waste and, even with a larger septic tank, will require more frequent cleanings. In order to avoid sewage backups into the facilities or solids finding their way into the drain field, septic tanks need to be pumped before the layer of sludge reaches the baffles.

During the process of a septic system pumping, a technician stretches a hose from a vacuum truck to an opening in the septic tank and pumps the contents into the truck. Generally, the process takes less than an hour, and during that time the technician will also inspect the tank level and sump pumps as well as clean the aerator shaft. If any issues are found during the inspection, the technician will be able to evaluate, diagnose, and repair the septic or aeration system.


For septic tank cleaning it is must that the Seepage haulers must be licensed with the board of health, may either dispose of seepage at an authorized wastewater treatment facility or at a seepage land application site that has been approved by the board of health. Land application sites must adhere to rigorous regulations that are in place to protect the environment and prevent contamination of ground and surface water. In order for a wastewater treatment facility to be authorized to receive industrial seepage, they must demonstrate the ability to treat the seepage without causing operational problems.

Alico Waste Experts is licensed with the board of health as a septic installer, service provider, and seepage hauler. We’re proud to be pumping septic tanks and grease traps as usual this spring with our manual services and Sucker Bowzer. Your safety is our first priority, followed closely by our commitment to providing great rates and friendly septic service. All the seepage removed from our clients’ septic tanks is treated according to its characteristics whether it is hazardous or non-hazardous.  We are well-equipped to treat the seepage we haul from our clients’ industries & businesses.

You can be confident that all seepage we pump from your septic tank will not only be properly disposed of but also properly treated with the safest, most environmentally friendly methods available.

Is it time to have your septic system pumped? Contact us today to schedule a service visit.

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