

We’re here to help you recycle right, answer common recycling questions and provide the information regarding tools and resources you need to make recycling both simple and convenient.

Every time you choose to recycle, you are giving that item a second life to serve a new purpose and save natural resources. Now more than ever it’s important that only the right items, free from contamination, make their way into your recycling bin to help keep recycling, and our shared planet, sustainable.


Knowing these rules and putting them into practice will help you recycle more efficiently. And it will help to ensure everything that makes it into your bin finds a second life.

Recycle clean bottles, cans, paper and cardboard.

Keep food and liquid out of your recycling.

No loose plastic bags and no bagged recyclables.

Items Accepted in Your Bin

These items can go in your recycling bin, as long as they’re clean and dry.

Recycle plastics by shape: bottles, jars, jugs and tubs. The “chasing arrows” symbol doesn’t necessarily mean it’s recyclable.

Clean and dry containers, then put the cap back on before tossing in the bin.

Recycle empty tin, aluminum and steel cans.

Empty aerosol cans are also recyclable. If the can has a plastic lid, remove it before recycling.

Paper, newspaper and magazines are good to recycle.

If paper is soiled or wet, compost it.

Flatten and recycle all cardboard and paperboard.

Cardboard pizza delivery boxes without leftovers or liners should be recycled; but leftover crusts, cheese and other food should not.
Rules for recycling milk cartons, juice boxes and food cartons vary by city, county and state. Check local recycling programs for options to recycle cartons.
Make sure containers are completely empty to avoid contamination.
Glass recycling rules vary, please check your local program guidelines.
Check local program guidelines for options to recycle glass. Some communities have curbside pickup or drop-off locations to recycle glass.

Items Not Accepted in Your Bin

Try to reduce and reuse these items instead of putting them in the trash.

Do not bag recyclables. They must be loose in the bin.

If you collect your recyclables in a bag, empty them directly into your cart and reuse the bag!

Plastic bags are not accepted as part of curbside recycling programs – they get tangled in equipment and threaten worker safety.

Do not bag recyclables as materials inside may not get recycled. Reuse plastic bags to store things.

Plastic wrap, bubble wrap, sandwich bags and freezer bags should not go in the recycle bin.

Reuse whenever possible for presents, moving, or storage of similar items, or look for local options to recycle.

Flexible packaging like chip bags and juice or soup pouches cannot be recycled in curbside programs.
This type of packaging is made from multiple materials preventing it from being recycled.
Cups with plastic or waxed coatings are not recyclable. The plastic lids should be trashed as well.
Invest in and carry a reusable cup instead.
Polystyrene foam, plastic “to-go” containers and cups are made of non-recyclable materials, and are not acceptable in the curbside recycling program.
Packing peanuts aren’t recyclable either, however some shipping stores will take peanuts back for reuse.

Other Materials

Typically not accepted for curbside pickup. Check local programs for disposal options.

Garden hoses, rope, leashes, wire, holiday lights, string and chains should never go in the recycling bin.

“Tanglers” can wrap around equipment, endanger MRF workers and shut down entire recycling centers. If they are still in good condition, donate them.

Dirty diapers’ and pet waste’s yuck factor increase when they end up where they shouldn’t — the recycle bin!

These materials will spoil all of the recyclables, turning the load to trash. Trash these instead and keep recyclables clean and dry.

Clothing, textiles, shower curtains, mini-pools, fencing and furniture don’t go in the recycling.

 Check local programs for reuse and recycling options first. Put them in the trash bin if no other options are available.

Medical waste can pose a safety hazard and never goes in curbside recycling or waste bins.

Needles are especially dangerous so dispose of them in a safe container or box box or contact your local provider.

Car parts, scrap metal, tires, filters, propane cylinders and the like are safety hazards if put in curbside recycling or trash bins.

 Check locally for special collection programs or take them to a local retailer or scrap recycler.

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